Website Review #6

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Howd does a developer choose which breakpoints to use?

Website#1 Findings:
Under the first website it talks about the importance on focusing on two main things. The first being base it off device groups. Such as mobile, tablet, laptop and desktop. Then think about your target audience. Since everyone's audience is different. For instance this site is geared towards web developers who usually have desktops and large screens. which ofcourse will not usually be the targer audience for most. However, its important to think about these when thinking about when to implement media breakpoints. Which is basically changing the display and appearance of your website depending on the screen size. From a mobile screen size to a tablet screen size to a laptop or tablet.
Website#2 Findings:
Under website #2 I liked this article because it helped me to think of other things to consider about not just when to implement media breakpoints but how. Since this website makes you think of how to implement them. Like for instance making a map look different for someone in Japan where Japan is at the center of the map and not on the right side like here in America. I thought it made for a good point to always consider when designing and implementing how to use breakboints.