Website Review #2

Wesbite Name & Source:


To show the possibilities one has when using a CSS-design when building there websites. By showing a wide variety of examples of css being used throughout the site.

What is the site's URL?
No, the home page does not pass validation.
Why is it your favorite?
I like how it allows an individual who is knew like me to website coding. To see allot of different ways of using css based design when coding a website. It gives a person the ability to imagine all the ways they can implement css into there design of their websites. As well as being able to see all the advantages it can give you when it comes to styling your website.
Does the site's home page validate?
No, the home page does not pass validation.
Find any other page on the site. Does the second page validate?
No, the second page I visited does not pass validation either. I went to
Document how many validation errors and/or warnings may exist on each of the two pages you validate.
For the home page there were 0 validation errors but 4 warnings. For the second page I visited it came up with 0 validation errors and 4 warnings.
How would you rate the site's design, on a scale of 1 (horrible) to 10 (fantastic)? Why?
I give it a 6 out of 10 for design. The reason for this is while it has nice colors that flow nicely together. It can actually cause it to flow to eaily into eachother. For instance the font is a very similar color to that of that background color on the home page. Making it very hard to even see let alone interpret what it says. Also if I chose to not have the browser in fullscreen mode. It caused the right hand margin to change as well as locations of other key links to choose from. However, with that being said the colors are impressive as an example of what you are able to do with CSS.
How would you rate the site's usability, on a scale or 1(horrible) to 10 (fantastic)? Why?
I would rate it a 4 out of 10 for usability. This is due to again the fact that it uses colors that while impressive to see put together. It can cause a person with good vision to have trouble reading some of the text due to the colors not being well done in terms of contrasting well against one another. Also when you don't have it in a fullscreen mode it can cause the home page to look very different and become much harder to even navigate off of the home page. Plus using very similar colors on the home page makes it difficult to descern different parts of the home page, from the main parts to focus on to where the navigation area is.
Does this site meet it's purpose
Yes it does. While it may be more difficult to start navigating originally from the home page. Once your able to find the different categories, showing other types off css examples, your able to get allot of information about all the different ways you could use CSS for your webpages in design, layout, font, images, color, etc. So yes it does contain all the information one would need to learn a great deal more and it does also pull the audience in with the many different vibrant ways of using CSS to intice the reader to want to learn more and become more intrigued by the possibilities they could use CSS for.